In Basileia, the Great Commission, the Kingdom of God, and Jesus’ bounding character are the essential values that will make Christians strong and unshakable. From the Great Commission in Matthew 28: 16-20, we are exposed to the actual teaching of Christ and His works, and by doing these works we will experience God’s Kingdom firsthand as Christ’s disciples did. Thus, it becomes the driving force and desire that we uphold and believe, as it was stated in the book of Hebrews 6: 1-20.
In our journey with the Lord we still find Christians that are not seeing God’s promises come true in their lives, have not witnessed the power of Holy Spirit, and are not experiencing the work of their faith in Christ. It is unfortunate, but we view such situations as an opportunity to see God move. In the journey, God has shown us that His Kingdom is beyond what four walls can contain. It passes all human denominations, races, liturgies, knowledge, and institutions. Therefore, we would like to encourage every one of you to take a stand and be ready at any time to share God’s immeasurable grace because only by God’s grace do the blind receive their sight, the captives are set free, the lost are found, and the brokenhearted are healed.
Everyone has a purpose in life. When a human being is born, they come with God given talents, gifts and personality that makes the individual unique. By working, learning, and growing together in our journey we discover who we are and our purpose in life. Through mutual respect, we can live in harmony despite all of our differences. However, God has given each of us freewill to choose what we want to do with our lives and the talents that we have received. This freewill is given so that human beings can choose to have a personal relationship with God, and through this personal relationship, God will transform our lives into a Great Adventure, where He will show us things more amazing than we ever could ever imagine (1 Corinthians 2: 9). We believe that for every choice we make there are consequences, good or bad. But because of the great love that He has for you and I, God is able to work all things for our own good; even though, we can’t perceive it. Therefore, it is important to know God’s character before we choose to push Him out of our lives, for many times, we reject something without knowing why.
In this endless journey, our affiliation with Vineyard USA have help many of our members and others to begin their first step. These affiliations are founded in the similarity of belief, core values, and teaching of Christ.